Mandatory training for those that minister - See on-site training dates below:
As a community of faith, we believe that the prevention of child sexual abuse begins with each person. Increased awareness and a willingness to take action are steps for every person to take to eradicate abuse in our society, in the community, in the neighborhood, and in the family.
ALL volunteers must be trained every three years. If you took your training online in the past, you will be emailed letting you know when to take the refresher course. If you were trained on-site at QAS three years ago OR are new to QAS volunteering, you must attend a training class at another parish or take the training online.
All who minister (volunteers, employees and clergy) in the Diocese of Oakland are to be educated about the nature of child sexual abuse, how it is perpetrated, how to report it and strategies for prevention. Training is mandatory for all who minister, first before starting work or volunteering and then every 3 years thereafter. For more information, please visit the Diocese of Oakland website.
Also, as a volunteer, please remember to complete your volunteer application. Please download, fill out and return to the office.