Every three years, all volunteers at Queen of All Saints, and every other church in the Diocese, must renew their Safe Environment Training. The Church is committed to making sure we are all working to protect our children.
If you have taken the Virtus training online in the past, you will be notified via email when it is time for you to take the refresher course—you will be alerted one month before your training expires.
However, if you have only taken our live training or are a brand new volunteer we will be offering live training classes in the church hall in October. However, you may also do the training online at your convenience after July 1st. If you would like to go online to take the training, please go tooakdiocese.org and click on the blue VIRTUS REGISTRATION tab. You do not need to print a certificate of completion as it will be recorded on the website. Be sure to check that you are a volunteer at Queen of All Saints.
New this year: All volunteers are asked to fill out a new volunteer registration form. Please download the form, fill out and bring or send to the office by October 30. Please fill in and return these forms as soon as possible to either your ministry leader or Debra Smith in the church office. Thank you so much for your ministry to QAS. We look forward to your continued support; however, if anyone is unable to complete these tasks by October 30th, they will no longer be able to perform ministry at our parish.
Download Volunteer Registration Form in English or Español
Please call Debra Smith if you have any questions regarding the training.