High School Confirmation

Congratulations to our High School Confirmation Candidates!

81 teens received the Sacrament of Confirmation on June 4, 2023 celebrated by Fr. Lawrence D'Anjou, Vicar General of the Oakland Diocese. There was an outpouring of families, friends, and the community, showing their support for these teens. 

Thank you to everyone for witnessing such a beautiful day. 


QAS Teen Confirmation program is for High School students 14 years on or before May 2010 or older. It is a 2 year program, in which our core and jr. core leaders share the mission of leading teens into a deeper relationship with Christ. With the Holy Spirit and Blessed Mother as our guides, we seek to unleash the power of our faith in the youth and in our Church.

Classes will take place on Sundays:

Both Year 1 and Year 2 -- Promptly starting 2:30p-4:15p followed by 4:30 Mass. (Mass is part of the session)

Registrations open in August

Please bring copies of the Baptism and 1st Communion Certificates and payment for registration


If you have questions, please email:

Edelyn Baldonado, Youth Minister at qasyouth@gmail.com


Required Documents

Year 1 

  • Copy of Baptism Certificate
  • Registration Payment (1-$100, 2-$150, 3 or more $180)
  • Medical Authorization and Release Form
  • Retreat Fee $100.00

Year 2

  • Updated Re-Registration Form
  • Re-Registration Payment (1-$100, 2-$150, 3 or more $180)
  • Updated Medical Authorization and Release Form
  • Retreat $200.00 payment 


El programa QAS Teen Confirmation es para estudiantes de secundaria de 14 años en o antes de mayo de 2010 o más. Es un programa de 2 años, en el que nuestros líderes centrales y jr. comparten la misión de guiar a los adolescentes a una relación más profunda con Cristo. Con el Espíritu Santo y la Santísima Virgen como nuestros guías, buscamos liberar el poder de nuestra fe en los jóvenes y en nuestra Iglesia.

Las clases tendrán lugar los domingos:

Tanto Year 1 como Year 2 -- Comenzando puntualmente de 2:30p-4:15p seguido de 4:30 Mass. (La misa es parte de la sesión)

Las inscripciones empiezar en Agosto

Por favor traiga copias de los Certificados de Bautismo y 1ª Comunión y el pago de la inscripción


Si tiene preguntas, envíe un correo electrónico a:

Edelyn Baldonado, Youth Minister at qasyouth@gmail.com

Documentos Requeridos

Documentos Requeridos de primer Año

  • Copia del Certificado de Bautismo     
  • Pago de Inscripción 1-$100, 2-$150, 3 or more $180
  • Formulario de liberación medica
  • Pago de Retiro $100.00

Documentos requeridos para Segundo Año

  • Actualizar datos de la forma inscripciones si es necesario
  • Pago de Inscripción 1-$100, 2-$150, 3 or more $180
  • Actualizar datos de la forma Medica si es necesario
  • Pago del Retiro $200.00

Our Program

Confirmation is the last sacrament of initiation which comes after one receives their First Communion.

The earliest a teen can register is in their freshman year in high school granted that they turn 14 years of age before the start of the program in the fall. This ministry group is focused on the deeper understanding of faith centered around a teens relationship with the Holy Spirit. Just as the Gifts of the Holy Spirit was sealed in the disciples, our sacramental preparation class will ready participants to be sealed with the very same Holy Spirit.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events scheduled.